Agents Bartholomew and Co. reported a dearer market for quality line of re-stocker steers at their Beaudesert Sale on Saturday. All descriptions sold very well with lines of potential breeders in demand. Sandstone Grazing, Kingaroy, sold Charolais x steers 15 months for $1325. Droughtmaster steers 15 months from Jim Becker, Beechmont, sold for $1300. Droughtmaster weaner steers from Ron Gehrke, Summerholm, sold for $845. Late Droughtmaster x weaner steers from Marten & Michelle Platell, Josephville, sold for $705. Hopkins & Hayes, Woodhill, sold Charbray heifers 2 years for $1620. Droughtmaster x heifers 14 mths Account Sandstone Grazing, sold for $900. Braford weaner heifers, Account Don & Anne Nuhn, Roadvale, sold for $895. Eurara Pty Ltd, Jackson, sold Brahman heifers 12 mths for $885. Charolais x weaner heifers Account NR Livestock Services, Peak Crossing, sold for $665. Limousin x Cows and Calves sold for $1850.