Beaudesert Store Sale – 10th June 2023

Agents Bartholomew & Co reported a lighter yarding at their Beaudesert Store Sale on Saturday. Quality lines met stronger competition, with lesser quality still selling to a firm market.

John and Sue Lloyd, Numinbah sold Euro x steers 12 months for $1,090.  Angus x weaner steers account Glenapp Cattle Co, Running Creek sold for $935.  Glen Hills Pastoral, Palen Creek sold Brahman x steers 12 months for $880.  Dr Kendall McClelland, Natural Bridge sold Droughtmaster steers 12 months for $880.  Brangus weaner steers account Mark and Sandra Downes, Christmas Creek sold for $820.  Bruce Butterfield, Buaraba sold Charolais x weaner steers for $750.  Charolais x weaner steers account Keira Farm, Mutdapilly sold for $750.  Russell Family Trust, Boonah sold Brangus weaner steers for $730.  Kooroomba Hay, Mt Alford sold Hereford x weaner steers for $680.  Glenapp Cattle Co sold Droughtmaster heifers 14 months for $780.  Russell Family Trust sold Charbray weaner heifers for $760.  Ty Paxman, Cedar Creek sold Santa weaner heifers for $645.  Keira Farm sold Charolais x weaner heifers for $570.

Angus x weaner steers account Glenapp Cattle Co, Running Creek, sold for $935.