Beaudesert Store Sale – 12th February 2022

Agents Bartholomew & Co reported a very strong market on Saturday, particularly for lines of Droughtmaster and Charbray restocker steers. Cows and calves maintained high levels. Weaner steers and heifers sold extremely well.

Anthony and Kerry De Ruiter, Vernor sold Charolais x steers 2 ½ years for $2,580.  Charbray steers 2 years account Opperman Pastoral, Teviotville sold for $2,500. Phil and Michelle Day, Ferny Glen sold Droughtmaster steers 18 months for $2,340.  Jenoff Pty Ltd, Christmas Creek sold Charbray x steers 12 months for $2,200. Anthony and Kerry De Ruiter sold Charolais x weaner steers for $2,220.  John and Karen Healey, Biddaddaba sold Euro x weaner steers for $1,920.  Speckle Park heifers 18 months account Sunkissed Quarter Horse Stud, Purga sold for $2,540. Anna Fraser, Boyland sold Brangus heifers 12 months for $2,080.  Droughtmaster x weaner heifers account Clive Moran, Birnam sold for $2,000.  John and Karen Healey sold Euro x weaner heifers for $1,800.  Droughtmaster weaner heifers account Des Hirn, Haigslea sold for $1,760.  Albert River Wines, Tamborine sold Droughtmaster x cows and calves for $3,800.  Droughtmaster cows and calves account J2X Pty Ltd, Rosevale sold for $3,650.  Albert River Wines sold a Droughtmaster bull for $6,500. Graeme and Delwyn Harris, Gleneagle sold a Santa bull for $4,600.

Dale and Ray Oppermann, Oppermann Pastoral, sold Charbray steers 2 years for $2,500.

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