Agents Bartholomew & Co reported a yarding of 457 head of cattle at their Beaudesert Store Sale on Saturday, where the market continued to rise for all descriptions. A large number of feeder and re-stocker steers came to hand, all selling to dearer rates. Glen and Kym Neuendorff, Cryna sold Charbray steers 2 ½ years for $2,000. Droughtmaster steers 2 years account Rahane Pastoral Co, Oaky Creek sold for $1,950. Palmer Steel, Running Creek sold Droughtmaster steers 18 months for $1,900. Simbrah steers 18 months account Judd Farming, Allenview sold for $1,980. Vaughan Signal and Natasha Ward, Roadvale sold Charolais x steers 15 months for $1,930. Euro x steers 15 months account Eurara Pty Ltd, Innisplain sold for $1,810. Dean and Tanya Zurvas, Mt Alford sold Simbrah steers 15 months for $1,770. Michael and Elizabeth Koplick, Woodhill sold Hereford steers 15 months for $1,660. Limousin x steers 14 months account Lloyd and Sheila Venz, Boyland sold for $1,500. Paul Benstead, Christmas Creek sold Charolais x steers 12 months for $1,490. Bellrome Cattle Co, Summerholm sold Euro x steers 12 months for $1,500. Ray and Maree Ruhland, Boonah sold a Santa steers 14 months for $1,450. Angus x steers 12 months account Julian Ritter, Christmas Creek sold for $1,380. Graham Isbell, Coulson sold Charolais x heifers 15 months for $1,690. Braford heifers 15 months account Graeme Klan, Milford sold for $1,650. Mick and Shaan Eldridge, Moogerah sold Droughtmaster heifers 15 months for $1,640. Vaughan Signal and Natasha Ward sold Charolais x heifers 15 months for $1,590. Simmental x heifers 15 months account Dean and Tanya Zurvas sold for $1,550. Limousin heifers 14 months account Lloyd and Sheila Venz sold for $1,400. Eurara Pty Ltd sold Charolais x heifers 12 months for $1,240. Betty Sugden, Summerholm sold Santa cows and calves for $2,900. Cunningham Pastoral Co, Dugandan sold Simbrah cows and calves for $2,850. David Strong, Jimboomba sold Euro x cows and calves for $2,550. Milford Pastoral, Beaudesert sold a Charolais bull for $3,500.