Beaudesert Store Sale – 25th March 2023

Agents Bartholomew & Co reported a quality yarding of restocker steers and heifers at their Beaudesert Store Sale on Saturday.  All descriptions were slightly off the boil in line with current market trends, with strong interest in select lines.
Grant and Joanne Kelly, Illinbah sold Santa steers 20 months for $1,500.  Angus x steers 18 months account John and Amanda Thomas, Laravale sold for $1,370.  Euro x steers 15 months account Eurara Pty Ltd, Innisplain sold for $1,320.  Charbray steers 15 months account Jim and Rachel Hardgrave, Palen Creek sold for $1,350.  Droughtmaster steers 15 months account Martin and Angela Watkinson, Dugandan sold for $1,190.  Brahman x weaner steers account Early Storms Pastoral, Illinbah sold for $800.  Droughtmaster weaner steers account John and Karen Healey, Biddaddaba sold for $760.  Hereford Brahman x steers account Kooroomba Hay, Mt Alford sold for $730.
Droughtmaster heifers 18 months account Bernice Foster, Mundoolun sold for $1,380.  Santa heifers 12 months account Palisco Pty Ltd, Karalee sold for $880.  Kooroomba Hay sold Hereford Brahman x weaner heifers for $800.  Anthony and Gaye Gittins, Riverbend sold Limousin weaner heifers for $740.  Droughtmaster weaner heifers account John and Karen Healey sold for $750.  Speckle Park x Cows and calves account Cunningham Pastoral Co, Dugandan sold for $1900.

John and Amanda Thomas of Laravale sold feeder steers topping at $1,370.

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