Beaudesert Store Sale – 25th November 2023

Agent’s Bartholomew & Co reported a dearer market for all descriptions.  Wide-spread rain lifted buyer confidence and both local and western buyers competed fiercely on quality restocker lines.
Albert River Wines, Tamborine sold Droughtmaster steers 15 months for $1,250.  Frank Klan, Rathdowney sold Droughtmaster x steers 18 months for $1,120.  Dale Oppermann, Kerry sold Charolais steers 14 months for $1,090.  Brad & Claire Ryan, Palen Creek sold Euro x steers 14 months for $1,010.  Santa steers 14 months account McCabe & Geiger, Coulson, sold for $1,000.  Charbray weaner steers account Keira Farms, Mutdapilly sold for  $910.  Produce to be Proud of, Innisplain sold Droughtmaster steers 12 months for $900.  Charbray steers 12 months account Sunkissed Quarter Horses, Warrill View, sold for $900.  Droughtmaster x weaner steers account Emily Reilly, Bromelton sold for $850.  Brangus weaner steers account Glenapp Cattle Company Pty Ltd, Rathdowney sold for $830.   JD Grazing, Dugandan sold Droughtmaster weaner steers for $810.  Santa weaner steers account Craig Rankin, Tamborine sold for $800.  Tim & Fiona Daniels, Benobble sold Hereford steers 12 months for $800.  Red Brahman weaner steers account Ralph Nixon, Coulson sold for $760.  Gary & Georgina Brennand, Elbow Valley sold Euro x weaner steers for $700.
Albert River Wines sold Droughtmaster heifers 2 years for $1,270.  Droughtmaster heifers 15 months account Frank Klan sold for $800.  T & G Marsden Pty Ltd, Cryna sold Droughtmaster x heifers 15 months for $730.  Rhys & Chrissie Brown, Beaudesert sold Droughtmaster weaner heifers for $660.  Keira Farms sold Charbray weaner heifers for $640.   Sunkissed Quarters Horses sold Simmental x weaner heifers for $600.  Limousin x weaner heifers account Jason & Laurisa Wendt, Patrick Estate sold for $610.
Kevin English, Park Ridge sold Brahman cows & calves for $1,190.  Chris Wilkes, Milbong sold Droughtmaster x cows & caves for $1,175.  Angus x cows & calves account Michael Chiddy, Bethania sold for $1,050.  Droughtmaster cows account Albert River Wines sold for $1,025.  Santa cows account R, J & K Enterprises, Yatala sold for $980.
Brendan & Marnie Scheiwe, Tallegalla sold Charolais bulls for $4,000. 

Brendan & Marnie Scheiwe, Tallegalla sold Charolais bulls for $4,000. 

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